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This led to the conclusion71 that such referred percepts are unlikely to depend on neurons in area 3b, which exhibit fine grained spatial resolution and topographic organization. Straight horizontal lines indicate a confidence limit for significant correlations based on the standard deviation of the shift predictor. This is done by replacing D ()tfor the variable q on the left side of Equation 12. Accumulation of fluid in the tis- resembling bits of gravel up to large masses that fill the sue spaces may occur late in chronic renal disease, renal pelvis and extend into the calyces. M axim al diuresis m ay approach values as high 3 Thiazide Diuretics Thiazide diuretics consist of two distinct groups: those T A B L E 21. This means that adjustments to the dose of the prescribed inhalers, depending on the symptoms and/or peak flow readings can be made at a relevant point in time. In an autosomal recessive disorder, a couple in which each par- Prognosis ents carry one altered copy of the disease gene have a Möebius syndrome does not appear to affect life 25% chance of having a child with the condition with span, and individuals who are treated for their symptoms each pregnancy. However in terms of exploring the challenges that might impact on the effective implementation of health knowledge management systems, they are perspectives that cannot be ignored, and following is a brief limited discussion of some of the potential underlying issues. Complementary therapies in neurology 226 47 A recent meta-analysis of 42 studies of nearly 126000 persons found that highly religious persons had a 29% higher odds of survival compared with less religious persons (odds ratio (OR) 1. Although these are not of great functional importance they obtrude upon the surgeon during the course of a right hepatic lobectomy. The two forms of acupuncture included needling of distant sites and dry needling of local myofascial trigger points.

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