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At Home in Maharishi Vastu

Issue #14:
February, 2012

Welcome to our Issue

  • Vastu Builders Seminars
  • Ready to Get Started?
  • Distance Education to Feature Maharishi Vastu Course
  • Importance of Living in a Maharishi Vastu Peace Community

Maharishi Vastu® Architecture, Applying the principles of Maharishi Vastu design

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About Us

Live or work in Maharishi Vastu and gain a powerful influence of fulfillment, happiness and perfect health for the rest of your life.

Maharishi Vedic® architecture provides the universal rules and principles to design buildings, developments and cities to bring the beneficial influence of all the laws of nature to human life.

Maharishi Vastu is the holistic science of establishment that connects the parts to the whole, the individual to the cosmic.

What we offer to you:

  1. Pre-designed plans for homes and larger buildings.
  2. Custom design of homes by affiliated architects.
  3. Site evaluation: to help you find an ideal site.
  4. Master Planning for developments and communities.
  5. Consultation services: to ensure that your architect’s custom design will have a fully nourishing influence.

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Vastu Builders Seminars

The Vastu Builders Seminar held in Turkey at the end of January and featured in our last enews was a significant step of progress for establishing Maharishi Vastu in Turkey. The 20 participants enjoyed not only the taped presentations but the many live sessions. The final day of the seminar was given to planning specific projects and Turkey now has 10 individual clients committed to building Maharishi Vastu homes very soon.

Vastu Builders Seminars

In addition, a developer who has land waiting for a governmental zoning change now plans to build several homes and a residential retreat on her ideal site

This course is now being offered in many countries and Australia, which already has over 150 Maharishi Vastu homes, will be one of the first to offer the course again in a residential setting beginning on the 29th of April in Merimbula, Australia at a resort on the Sapphire coast.

Vastu Builders Seminars

For details on the Australia seminar visit:

The seminar will also be held in South Africa in June and at Maharishi European Research University, The Netherlands beginning on May 27th.

Vastu Builders Seminars

All Vastu coordinator Phase 2 graduates are encouraged to offer this seminar in their local area using the on-line sessions. This particular course is open to those already practicing the TM program.

This seminar includes the best talks and documentaries from more than 15 of the world’s leading experts in Maharishi Vastu architecture. Materials have been compiled from all previous Vastu training conferences in the USA and Europe and will also include lively workshop sessions led by the experts conducting the seminar.

The main emphasis of the course will be to establish the knowledge necessary to plan, develop and undertake community projects, but the wealth of information will also be extremely useful to individuals desiring to begin building a Maharishis Vastu home. This is a unique opportunity for all TM meditators interested in Maharishi Vastu knowledge to gain in these compact and comprehensive sessions the applied knowledge of Maharishi Vedic architecture for themselves and the people of their city, state and country.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Theory and practice of Maharishi Vastu—its origins and evolution
  • Building with natural, non-toxic materials, using the latest green technologies, and examples
  • Introduction to Bau-Biology, practical measures avoiding electro smog or EMF fields
  • Site evaluation from satellite maps including calculation of sunrise delay
  • Vedic Garden Cities, Peace Colonies, ownership strategy, promotion and financing
  • Sustainable Vedic Organic gardens—from planning to execution
  • Turnkey Homes and Master Builder system in action
  • Reports on projects from different countries and advice from successful Vastu developers

Vastu Builders Seminars

Ready to Get Started?

If you are ready to get started with building a Maharishi Vastu home or community we wanted to give you a few of the early steps in the process.

Initially, most people begin by looking for land and selecting a design from the extensive portfolio of homes and buildings. These two steps can be done simultaneously.

When you begin to look for land to be evaluated by the Maharishi Vastu consultant, it is good to keep in mind the general guidelines for site selection. You can find these on our website at: after clicking on Site Evaluation. This document gives guidelines for slope of land, existing water bodies, other environmental influences and orientation. To make sure you are looking at a site which will receive early morning sun, stand on the site and look due east and then turn 25 degrees to your right and your left and make sure there are no hills in your line of site. Some minor hills to one angle may be acceptable, but this will be determined when you enroll for a formal site evaluation.

Before you begin to look through the portfolio of designs,, it will be helpful to write down what are your needs and desires with regards to room functions, size, building construction materials, style of house that you like, and other details. Keep in mind that the exterior of many of the designs you see can be modified to reflect a local style or your own desire. Once you have chosen a few designs please contact one of our offices by email or phone to make arrangements for viewing floor plans and discussing how to proceed. Worldwide contact information is available at:

We look forward to helping you to take this first, important step in building a Maharishi Vastu home or community of homes for you, your family and your community.

Distance Education to Feature Maharishi Vastu Course

We are also pleased to announce that the first on-line Vastu Building course for everyone is now scheduled to begin in mid May through the distance education department of Maharishi University of Management. Similar to the Vastu Builders seminar, the course has both theory and background on Maharishi Vedic architecture as well as a wealth of practical information on building materials, alternative systems of building, Vedic gardens, certification procedures, EMF/electrosmog issues and much more.

There will be several live webinars with course director, Jon Lipman, Deputy Minister of Vedic Architecture, in which course participants will get to ask questions and interact. These live broadcasts will also be uploaded to the webserver to become part of the course sessions. One of the benefits of the online format is the ability of the students to take the course at their own pace.

Online registration will begin in March, and we will be sending a formal announcement with application procedures as soon as it is available.

Importance of Living in a Maharishi Vastu Peace Community

The two sites for the latest Maharishi Peace Colonies are ideally suited for building Maharishi Vastu homes and enjoying the peace and beauty of the natural surroundings. Just as in the design and construction of a single Maharishi Vastu building, rules of orientation, proportion and placement also guide the proper layout and planning for a village, town, or city.

Maharishi Vastu

These principles insure that only nourishing and positive effects come to those living in a Maharishi Vastu planned community. And as we know, the powerful effect of Vastu living is even greater when the house is surrounded by other Vastu homes and buildings. This illustrates the principle “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts”. Coherence, protection, harmony and many more qualities associated with living in Maharishi Vastu are even more profound in the context of a planned Maharishi Vastu community.

 In Canton, Ohio, 26 acre Lake O’ Springs will be the site of a 25-lot development with shorefront bike and walking trails winding through common areas and protected green space bordering three sides of the lake. Gaining all the necessary approvals and permits has taken a few years, but now the project is moving along quickly with the earth moving nearly completed and roads and utilities to be in place by May of this year.

Lake O’ Springs

At that time, lots will be available for purchase. In addition to lakefront lots, there are nine lake-view lots and nine village lots within ¼ mile of the lakeshore. This is an ideal location giving the best of suburban convenience, rural isolation, and the auspicious influence of water. For further details and to view their site plan, visit:

In Italy, in the province of Novara and close to the town of Arona at the foothills of the Italian Alps, the plan for a Vastu Village was inspired by Dr. Graziella Benzi. The location has a panoramic view of the Alps and the famed Lake District of Italy is to the north. The site is surrounded by gentle farmland and forest as well as a park along the Tocino River. All of these features will bring auspicious influence to the Maharishi Vastu community and provide ample opportunity for walking, hiking and a variety of outdoor recreational activities.



The community will designate land for growing Vedic organic produce to be used by the residents as well as the organic restaurant and Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center located within the community.

In addition to meeting the Maharishi Vastu standards for natural and non-toxic materials, the entire project will be characterized by ecologically friendly materials and systems. All structures will use either brick or wood and will favor local roofing tiles and bricks. Insulation for thermal and acoustic purposes will be either cellulose or cork. Plasters and mortar will be either natural gypsum or pure hydraulic lime. Only natural, organic paints, stains and coatings will go on walls. Low-power heating will use geothermal and heat pump technologies, and cooling will be done through the use of natural and mechanical ventilation in every building. You can find out more about the planned community by visiting: