By VastuNews on Thursday, 18 November 2010
Category: Blog

Children in Vastu

Have you ever noticed that a child’s experience of daily living is a simple, yet profound reflection of their natural environment?  We have gathered together the expressions and experiences of children from all over the world who have the good fortune to live in a Maharishi Vastu home and here is what they (or their parents) have to say. This first blog focuses on younger children, including a very profound “birth” experience.

Future Vedic Architects

“The two boys in this picture aged four and half and two and half years replicated in Lego’s (children’s building block toys) the Maharishi Vastu house in which they live.  Without any suggestions, coaching or assistance from parents these two boys spontaneously decided to create a model of their house’s floor plan. 

 The base with the 4 walls on the sides is actually aligned to the house they live in  and so the rooms and activities shown on the Lego board are in their ideal positions. The colorful square in the corner is the meditation room, the dining room shows Mum, Dad and the 2 boys at the kitchen dining table, the living room has  the couch facing east to watch the TV (the blue block) and at the top has their imaginary pets in a garden setting.

We thought it was quite impressive how they intuitively created a square house with proper orientation and placed rooms and activities correctly without any help from anyone - we just came into the room and there it was.”   Australia


Can We Build another Vastu House?

“Our son was really the impetus for building our second Vastu home. We relocated to New York from North Carolina and lived in a lovely east facing home in a beautiful area of upstate New York. After a few months, our son, who had just turned 7 said to me, “I like this house but I don’t feel safe like I did in our Vastu home. I want another Vastu home here.”  Now that we have accomplished his desire, and he is 10, he says he can concentrate on his school projects easily now, and feels he wants to accomplish whatever he needs to do. He doesn’t feel distracted.”   New York, USA


Baby Born in Vastu Home

 “The little boy in the picture (now 3 months old) was born in a Maharishi Vastu Home in Australia. This had not been our (the parents) intention and nothing had been planned for this eventuality.


       However, the baby had his own agenda and decided he was going to arrive into this world in a soft, silent and nourishing environment and not be subjected to the rigors of a hospital. The little boy woke his mother up at midnight and took his first breath in the world only 15 minutes later. It was a beautiful, spontaneous, natural and blissful experience. It was tranquil – no panic – no rush – everything just happened in an orderly way – all directed by Natural Law (and the baby). After the birth the baby fed and then slept soundly until morning allowing us, to be back in bed resting by 3 am. Everything happened in such a comfortable way that it seemed like it was all meant to be - effortless and intuitive. We did ring the hospital at about 1.30am and it was strongly suggested we call an ambulance to bring mother and baby in immediately for checking. The whole experience went so smoothly and seemed so right that we decided against putting a newborn baby and the rest of the family in an ambulance with flashing red and blue lights at 2am on a cold and windy night to travel 30kms to the hospital to be surrounded by strangers (albeit well meaning). It was very exciting and a lovely surprise for our other 2 boys to wake up and find they had a baby brother in the house.    
 Later in the morning, a midwife from the hospital came to check the baby and she remarked several times on how calm and relaxed the baby, the mother and the home environment were. She said her feeling was 'what a wonderful atmosphere and place for a baby to be born'.

 Our other two children were born in the usual hospital way whilst we were living in a Maharishi Vastu Home and they were both smooth and enjoyable events, but this one surpassed our greatest dreams. For us it was what we would imagine a perfect birth should be like – such happiness accompanied by such awareness – and perhaps as all births should be.  We attribute the whole joyous celebration of the birth and the fact that it occurred at home to the protective and supportive values of our Maharishi Vastu Home.”   Australia


The Challenges of going to a non-Vastu School

 “Our 3 year old boy has been going to a child care Centre one day a week for the last 2 months to help get him used to spending time with other children and to begin preparing him for school. He enjoys being with other children but spending a full day in a non Vastu building seems to be having a not so good effect. The Centre has quite good orientation and slope to the east but the building has no other Vastu attributes.

On the days that he is due to go there he says that he really doesn't want to go. It is not said in a protesting way - just quietly and with a tinge of sadness or unease and not wanting to leave home. This is in contrast with his nature which is outgoing, friendly and fun loving. When we pick him up at the end of the day he is always very subdued and then as we get in the car he starts to brighten up. By the time we get home he is full of energy and absolutely exuberant when in the house.

 One day recently at the Centre when I had to change his clothes before leaving I took him to the children's change-room and he kept saying "no daddy, no daddy I do not want to go in that room" and when we were in the room he repeated continuously “this room makes me sick - this room makes me sick". He is too young to pretend or exaggerate and so his feelings were a little mystifying. After we left, he was fine and happy again. Although the people at the Centre are very caring and helpful I feel the non Vastu building compared to the sweet home Vastu must be having an effect.

 It is heart breaking for parents who raise a child in Vastu and recognize the great benefits of Vedic Architecture to have to send their children out to try to learn in non Vastu buildings. No matter how hard the staff tries to educate the children I feel they will always be held back by the building - this seems the only explanation we have for the behavior of our children in Maharishi Vastu compared to non Vastu buildings. We are really trying to decide if it is wise to send our children to non Vastu schools and locations - maybe it is better to keep them home.     The solution would be to have Maharishi Schools everywhere!”


Sleeping without Fear

A young, 8 year old boy living from California  was very fearful of sleeping by himself to the point where every night he ended up coming into his parent’s bedroom and staying the night with them.  From the very first night of living in a Vastu home, he has slept peacefully in his own bedroom.   California, USA


A Grandfather's Office 

"My daughter had begun doing some secretarial work for me after she had her baby. She was concerned that due to the baby's fussiness, she would not be able to get any work done if she brought the baby to work. However, this has never been a problem. My daughter has been surprised at how happy and peaceful her daughter has been each time she has been in my Vastu office."    Michigan, USA

These experiences reflect the ability of a Maharishi Vastu home to give protection, nourishment, happiness and creative, orderly thinking to anyone who lives there. These experiences are not unique, they are quite common. All children should be blessed with the wonderful advantages that come from growing up in a Vastu home.  

You might enjoy our most recent video highlighting Maharishi Vastu buildings on campuses and schools around the world. 



If your family members have any experiences they would like to share of living or working in Maharishi Vastu we would love to hear them. Please email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.