Past Enews Issues

News Articles

July 2, 2015

Colorado Yoga Magazine

“Yoga for Your Home”
Letter size

April 24, 2009

“2000 Tower Oaks Boulevard Awarded LEED(R) Platinum CS 2.0 Certification”
Letter size

December 12, 2008

Washington Post

“Bricks, Mortar and Serenity
New Rockville Building Has a Peaceful, Meditative Air”
Letter size | A4 size

November/December 2008

The Iowan Magazine

“House of the Rising Sun”
Letter Size

April 2006

House King Magazine

“Vedic Architecture: A millenary practice is reborn”
11 x 17 format

February 2006

Upstate House

“Enlightened Design: Vedic architecture employs ancient design principles to promote peace and well-being”
Letter size (2.7 MB)

November 2005

Buildings Magazine

“Best Practices in Sustainability: Buildings Go Beyond Green”
Letter size | A4 size

September 2005

The Times Journal of Construction and Design (TJCD)

“In Accord with Nature”
Letter size

Note: The Times Journal of Construction and Design (TJCD) is a publication of the Economic Times (India), one of the world’s largest business dailies. TJCD is a major resource for the construction industry of India.

August 21, 2005

Houston Chronicle

“Building has an ancient touch”
Letter size | A4 size

August 5, 2005

The Rock Island Argus

“Vedic homes seek better living through architecture”
Letter size | A4 size

July/August 2005

AAA Living (Iowa)

“Spotlight: Maharishi Vedic City—Iowa Shangri-La”
Letter size | A4 size

July 15, 2005

American Way (American Airlines magazine)

“Lifestyle Feature: Home and Peace”
Letter size | A4 size

July 7, 2005

The Washington Post

“Mind Over Mortar”
Letter size | A4 size

June 20, 2005

The Washington Post (Business section)

“Tower II planned with the Maharishi in mind”
Page 1 | Page 2

Texas fires stalled by Vastu Shield Effect

Early in the spring when wild fires began to over run the state of Texas, a forest fire was  moving toward the residential buildings owned by the TM organization in the small town of Navasota. 80 miles NW of Houston. 

As you can see from this photo before the fires began, this is a heavily wooded area.


Fire fighters were very concerned as the fire moved quickly in this direction.  They were most concerned for the  two new buildings due to their exterior wall surface as they  were only partially completed.  They rapidly built a berm(earth wall) around both these buildings. As you can see from their orientation, these are both built according to the principles of  Maharishi Vastu.

Because there was time, the fire fighters also put a berm around the older building with the southwest orientation, although they felt it would be relatively safe. 

The fires arrived and went up to the berms surrounding the two new, Vastu buildings but did not cross over on any side.  The third building was a different story.  The fire went all the way around the berm then lept over the berm and destroyed the entire building. What remained was a  pile of  smoldering debris  of what had been a  two story building.  

Even a partially completed Maharishi Vastu building is protected from negative influences that threaten to do  harm. 

there have been numerous examples of Maharishi Vastu homes remaining safe from the destruction of fire. You can read about these experiences on our website at:  and clicking on "Protection against Fires and Hurricanes". 

first example of Peace Palace begins construction ...
Hurricane Irene versus Maharishi Vastu

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